In the middle of cherry season, children love to eat these red fruits that they can eat from an early age. Both juicy and sweet, cherries are not only excellent for your health, but they also contain little sugar to the delight of the whole family. However, in their burst of finger-licking, it is not uncommon to see cherry stains appear on the kitchen furniture.
Even if red fruit stains are very visible and sometimes persistent, it is possible to get rid of them when you know the right tips. Here are some tips to help you remove a cherry stain from upholstery chairs effectively.
How to remove a cherry stain from fabric?
Before taking any drastic measures, it is necessary to carry out a quick cleaning so that the cherry stain does not become impregnated definitively. Depending on the type of textile to be treated, there are several processes requiring products that are easy to find at home.
Removing a cherry stain from synthetic fabric or colored upholstery
1. Take a clean cloth soaked in borax and ammonia. Rub on the stain then rinse.
2. If you do not have borax or ammonia at hand, dab the cherry stain with a cotton ball soaked in diluted 90° alcohol. Lemon juice is also very effective in removing a cherry stain from a fabric dining chair, for example. Then, using a cloth, apply a little acetic acid to the stain.
3. For delicate colored textiles, we recommend rubbing the cherry stain with white vinegar instead, then rinsing immediately.
How to remove a cherry stain from white fabric?
1. If the textile is white, pat with a cloth slightly moistened with diluted bleach, then rinse with clear water.
2. Then rub gently and rinse again. If the stain persists, apply a little hydrogen peroxide.
3. For delicate textiles, we advise you to gently rub the cherry stain with diluted lemon juice, before rinsing.
Now that you have treated the stain and rinsed it, wash it normally with a quality detergent. Before you start cleaning cherry stains, remember to check your furniture label and read the product’s instructions for use. If in doubt, test first on a blind part of the fabric. Cherry stains no longer hold any secrets for you. Discover our effective tips for caring for your dining chairs.