In daily work, it is easy for a ballpoint pen stain to end up on furniture. Once children get hold of the pen, the sofa or the wallpaper are often also affected. When removing ballpoint pens, be careful not to use water at first. You can use special solvents to remove the color pigments in the ink from most materials. Home remedies are much gentler than chemical cleaning agents. By using it, you protect sensitive fabrics.
If you notice ballpoint pen stains, you should act as quickly as possible. The more time the pen’s ink has to soak into the fibers of the fabric, the harder it is to get rid of the stain. The ink in a ballpoint pen refill is made up of the following ingredients:
The dyes are used by the pen in combination with various synthetic resins to ensure that the ink becomes visible on a piece of paper and sticks as well as possible. So that you can write with this paste, solvents are added that ensure that the ink in the lead remains liquid.
As soon as you squeeze the ink out of the lead, it dries and solidifies with the respective surface. Solvents that are able to liquefy the dyes again will help you to remove ballpoint pen ink. If you achieve this, you can simply wipe the ink off with a cloth. Caution: When removing pen stains, you should not use water as the stains are not water soluble. If in doubt, just rub the stain to make it bigger.
Home remedies for pen stains
You don’t always have to use chemicals to get rid of small stains. You can often reach your goal with proven tricks from the household. The particular advantage of the various home remedies is that they are usually very gentle and do not attack sensitive fabrics.
The following home remedies have proven to be effective for removing pen:
- Hairspray: The household remedy is ideal for use on the go. Spritz some hairspray on the affected area and wipe away the ink. Unfortunately, not all hairsprays are suitable for this purpose, as the solvents used vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
- High-percentage clear or pure alcohol: Pure alcohol is particularly suitable for silk, as the fibers are extremely sensitive. Therefore, gently dab the stain without rubbing.
- Milk: You will need a little more time for this tip. In order for the lactic acid bacteria to take effect, you should soak the soiled textiles for several hours. Then wash your clothes in the washing machine.
- Lemon juice: The acid it contains dissolves the dyes from the fabrics. It is important that you wash the upholstery cover thoroughly after the treatment.
- Vinegar: Dilute vinegar essence with water (one part vinegar essence, three parts water) and wet the surface. Do not forget to wipe off the vinegar thoroughly with a damp cloth after a short exposure time.
- Adhesive Strips: Adhesive tape is an extremely gentle method and only works on very fresh stains. Only the superficial touches of color of the ink can be absorbed.
- Toothpaste: If you want to remove stains from the wooden table or other surfaces, this home remedy is an option. Be sure to only use white toothpaste.
- Nail polish remover: Only use acetone-free nail polish remover, as acetone will damage the colors of your shirt or sweater. Otherwise not only the stain but also the color of the fabric disappears.
- Shaving foam: The foam works best against dried stains on upholstery or carpets. However, test the material compatibility in advance, as shaving foam is relatively aggressive.