Professional Cleaners will advise you on how to clean dried blood from your furniture.
Removing blood stains from washed laundry is not easy. Blood stains should actually always be removed with cold water. Fresh blood stains in particular fade fairly quickly and can be completely removed with a few home remedies.
However, washing with warm water means that the protein in the blood binds even better to the fibers of the fabric, without doing anything specifically to combat the stains at the same time.
It is therefore possible, especially with white laundry, that the blood stain can no longer be removed if the items have already been in the washing machine. Despite everything, we would like to introduce you to some means below that may still work.
Home remedies for washed blood stains
If you are not so fond of industrial cleaning agents because they pollute the environment, try home remedies first. For example, drizzle lemon juice on the washed stain. Lemon bleaches, so you should only do this on light laundry.
Alternatively, you can use a paste made from baking soda and water, which you can rinse out after an hour at the earliest before putting the laundry in the machine again.
Industrial cleaning products
If home remedies are not enough, you have to resort to conventional cleaning agents. First, there is bleach, which you can use on whites, but not on darks, because chlorine or bleach stains are irreversible.
Glass cleaner does not bleach so much. Spray the stain vigorously and rinse the glass cleaner after it dries.
Special stain removers remain. There are several manufacturers where you are sure to find something suitable. Always make sure that the substance also tolerates the remedy.