Take advantage of the most effective paint-removing tricks with Professional Cleaners.
Tip 1: Immediate measures for paint stains on fabrics
To remove stains from sofa fabrics caused by paint, there is a whole range of special cleaners on the market. Their effectiveness cannot be described in general terms, but depends on many factors. In addition to the type of paint to be removed, both the degree of soiling and the respective chemical composition of the individual cleaning product are also included. As a general rule, every stain should first be removed with a cloth, provided the paint is still damp. It is important to always rub from the outside in so that the stain is not enlarged. Dry paint stains can be chipped off if necessary. If you use chemical cleaners, make sure to test the color fastness on an inconspicuous area. Also, always read the description of the product very carefully!
Tip 2: Home remedies for paint stains on textile surfaces
Tried and tested home remedies often help against color stains. For example, you can spray hairspray on the stain. Wait about 5 minutes and then rinse the paint off with lukewarm water. If necessary, repeat the process several times. This method is very promising even for stains that have dried for a long time. Another option is to tackle the stain with a sugar solution: mix sugar and water to form a viscous mass and rub it onto the stain. Then gently rub the mass into the fabric and then wash it out. In many cases you can remove existing paint stains without any problems. Another efficient home remedy is oven foam. The stain is sprayed briefly with the foam. Leave the foam on for 5 minutes and then clean the affected spot with water.
Tip 3: Remove paint stains on the floor with water or dirt erasers
Every floor is different. That’s why there isn’t just ONE tip for removing paint stains. As a rule, the more sensitive a floor is, the more time-consuming it is to remove stains. Damp wall paint can often simply be washed off with water. If the paint has already dried, mechanical means and, if necessary, a bit of chemicals are used. Glass scrapers and dirt erasers are recommended on smooth floors, as they usually do not damage the floor covering. On the other hand, you should avoid using pot sponges, spatulas or a scalpel. And if you even use steel wool, you will damage the floor more than you will clean it. However, many paint stains can be removed quite well with nitro-based thinners. However, you should also carry out a test on an inconspicuous area first. In general, it is better to be careful not to damage the floor!
Tip 4: Rely on professional help right from the start
The fourth tip is also by far the most important: don’t let color stains appear in the first place! Save yourself all the hassle with time-consuming cleaning procedures and have your walls painted by a professional instead. In this way you prevent color stains on floors, furniture or on your clothes right from the start. In addition, a professional and even coat of paint is always guaranteed in this way.