The choice of special cleaning products for fabric furniture and carpets is quite rich. There are multipurpose products that can be used to clean sofas and carpets at the same time: shampoos, foams, powders and sprays.
Some products are for domestic use, others for professional dry-cleaning. But in both cases there is a risk that solution will contain chemicals that can lead to health problems after cleaning a carpet or mattress. The most common side effect is allergies or breathing problems for humans and pets.
Moreover, nowadays, you can meet tons of video where someone gives you “cool” life hacks how to make solution yourself by using everything you have at home. Beware, such self-made products can permanently spoil your sofa.
You also have to keep in mind that professional cleaning products can be effective but unsafe. And there are many cleaning companies who use such solutions to get maximum effect ignoring the possible negative consequences.
Think about it: a specialist comes to your house to clean carpet — to remove stains and odors. The result is perfect — carpet is spotless and smells good, so it seems that the specialist has done his job well. But after a while your child begins to itch or your dog starts to breathe strangely, you can hardly relate it to the carpet being cleaned some time ago…
It is therefore extremely important to know for sure that the composition of the product to be used to clean your furniture is absolutely safe for you and your family.
If you want your upholstered furniture or carpets or mattresses to be deeply cleaned and to be sure that this cleaning is safe for your family do not hesitate and hire V-Cleaning professional cleaning service.
V-Cleaning always considers the health of the customers to be a top priority. That is why we use only solutions made of specially selected natural ingredients to clean your upholstered furniture, carpets and mattresses. We know what products match each other and which proportions to combine in order to get the best effect. It makes all our solutions not only effective, but also absolutely safe for humans and pets.